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First Year Edge

Nov. 6-10, 2023

Image of four students in front of the La Salle University monument sign.

First-Generation Week 

In honor of National First-Generation Day next week, we're celebrating our first-generation students Nov. 6-10! A first-generation college student is a student whose parent(s) or guardian(s) have never earned a Bachelor's degree in the United States.

If you would like to be featured on social media, please send your photo, year, major, and why you're proud to be a first-generation student to

Upcoming Events 

Attend an event for the chance to win a La Salle University first-generation t-shirt! Prizes and light refreshments will be provided. Check Presence for additional details.

The Time Benders: Controlling Time, Taking Control Your Life
Nov. 6, 12:30-2 p.m.

Learn how to effectively manage multiple commitments and plan for success in the Music Room, on the second floor of the Union. 

Dress the Part, Be the Part: Resume Review and Career Closet Shop

Nov. 7, 12:30-2 p.m.

Come to the Dunleavy Room on the third floor of the Union to review your resume and learn how to dress professionally for the job you want.

First to Tie Dye

Nov. 8, 12:30-2 p.m.

Tie dye an item of your choice in the Ballroom on the second floor of the Union. First-generation faculty and staff will be sharing their stories as well. 

Honored to be Honored: Tri Alpha Interest Meeting

Nov. 9, 12:30-2 p.m.

Learn more about the National Honor Society for First-Generation College Students in the Music Room on the second floor of the Union. Learn how you can be an inaugural member of the La Salle University chapter. 

Beer Garden and Bonfire

Nov. 9, 6:30-9 p.m.

Kick off Homecoming and Family Weekend with a cash bar, free snacks, s'mores, music, and more!

Pen to Paper, Heart to Heart

Nov. 10, 12:30-2 p.m.

Who paved the way for you to be here? Thank them by writing a postcard in the Union lobby to the people who motivate you on your journey to graduation.

First-Gen Explorer Spotlight

Junie Mertus, Class of 2024

Junie Mertus, Class of 2024
Major: Biology major and Public Health minor
Hometown: Silver Spring, MD

"Avanse Famni pou deme" is a phrase my grandmother tells me in creole. It translates to "be the future for the family." My mom did not attend college and had to retrieve the bare minimum of education when she came to the states just to get me and my three other siblings through school. I am proud to be a first-gen college student because I am creating new standards for myself. I am stepping into challenging places that require me to think and grow as a woman in STEM. I am providing a path for other young individuals that come after me to follow.