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This Week at La Salle
Image of the nativity scene in front of College Hall.

Dear Explorers and friends,

With our semester having concluded, we pause collectively as a Lasallian community to celebrate Christmas and the holiday season, and reflect on an exciting fall semester.

You will read in this edition about the first graduate of a programmatic partnership with the University of Pennsylvania—one we established in 2021. This dual-degree partnership provides La Salle students in the STEM fields an opportunity to earn a bioengineering graduate degree from Penn.

As we work to build our international partnerships and further integrate with our Lasallian global community, I am proud to represent La Salle University, through 2025, as an elected regional member of the International Association of La Salle Universities Board of Directors.

Finally, I hope you will join me in taking action to double the maximum Pell Grant award. La Salle has a long history of serving Pell-eligible students. Increasing college affordability is in everyone’s best interest.

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a happy new year. 


Daniel J. Allen, Ph.D.

La Salle University

Melanie Bates, ’22

Last spring, a La Salle Honors student earned degrees in biology, chemistry, and biochemistry. Twelve months later, thanks to an accelerated program partnership between La Salle and the University of Pennsylvania, she is on pace to earn a Penn master’s degree in bioengineering. Get to know Melanie Bates, ’22

Students walking around campus.

A digital mural is coming to La Salle’s campus next fall, one that captures the various and diverse identities within our community. A grant from the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities is making it possible. 

Image of the La Salle University "160 Years" sign.

The latest edition of La Salle Magazine features profiles of dynamic alumni, our most-recent institutional successes, and a detailed look at a courageous vision for La Salle’s future.