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This Week at La Salle
Students serving food for the Philadelphia Police.

Dear Explorers and friends,

This is an ideal time to express gratitude, as we transition from celebrating Thanksgiving into the Christmas and holiday seasons.

Many thanks to the Christian Brothers, who have helped La Salle launch a yearlong fundraising initiative with a truly selfless act of philanthropy. I also owe thanks to our elected officials in Pennsylvania, who awarded us a transformational seven-figure grant that will enhance the campus experience for our students.

In recent weeks, our students received recognition for their engagement at the polls and a social work faculty member has earned a global honor for curricular innovation. One of our first-generation students celebrated a first; a group of La Salle students served early Thanksgiving meals to the local police officers who protect our community; and Explorers everywhere united in record numbers to make a difference on Giving Tuesday.

There’s certainly much to be thankful for, both on our campus and within our community.


Daniel J. Allen, Ph.D.


Image of President Allen and the Christian Brothers

During Inauguration Weekend, I introduced the launch of the Charter Challenge. This yearlong fundraising initiative, when achieved, will have raised $10 million in support of the academic and campus experiences for our students. We begin with significant momentum, thanks to a $3 million lead gift from the Christian Brothers. 

Image of President Allen and Senator Art Haywood

La Salle received a $3.5 million grant award from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fund investments in campus infrastructure and facilities that will enhance campus life for our students, including in the areas of health and wellness. My thanks belong with Pennsylvania Senator Art Haywood, with whose help we achieved this outcome. 

Alexis Sanchez, ’25

Each year, NASPA reserves Nov. 8 as a day to recognize and celebrate the success of first-generation students. Roughly 30% of our students are the first in their families to attend a four-year college. One of them, marketing and finance major Alexis Sanchez, ’25, is the first woman to serve as our University mascot in at least seven years

Image of a student writing.

A faculty member from our Department of Social Work received a global designation for her contributions to international social work education. This achievement validates the conceptual, curricular, and programmatic innovations of our rigorous programs. 

Students serving food for the Philadelphia Police.

Each year, our students deliver and serve an early Thanksgiving dinner for the Philadelphia Police precincts that serve our campus and neighborhood. I was proud to recognize these first responders, including Captain Austin Fraser, and join our students on their visit to the 14th District. 

Image of students walking around La Salle's campus.

In November’s election, La Salle ranked among the country’s top campuses for student voting. That’s according to the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, which evaluates institutions on how they educate their students on civic engagement and provide resources to encourage involvement.